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Quantitative Analysis of Traffic-Related Injury Patterns in Established Database of Medico-legal Fatalities (1/4)(2/4)

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  • Last updated:2019-05-17
  • View count:1778

Quantitative Analysis of Traffic-Related Injury Patterns in Established Database of Medico-legal Fatalities (1/4) - A Study of Traffic-Related Fatalities Database by Analyzing the Patterned Injuries and Illicit Drug Related Fatalities 


Traffic accidents is one of the most common pattern of death, and patterned injuries has distinct pattern that plays a crucial role in traffic-related death investigation. There is a growing concern about driving under illness or medically related condition and urgent attention to elucidate the cause of the accident depend on patterned injuries. In addition to the legislation of driving under influence of drug or medicine, it still lacks objective quantitative criteria.

In order to clarify the driving impact factors of traffic accidents, guarantee the judicial rights, strengthen quantitative research on forensic evidences, the goal of this study is to develop a database framework of traffic-related deaths, to establish the traffic-related death reporting system for the prosecutors’ offices across the country, to conduct epidemiological analysis of traffic-related deaths and to determine the impact factors of DUI such as alcohol, illicit drugs, prescription drugs and illness. Furthermore, we can conclude the correlation between kinetic energy and patterned injury, and establish an imitation of traffic accident animation.

In 2017, database framework of a traffic-related deaths and traffic-related death reporting system were constructed and 280 cases were logged. Epidemiological study indicates that 11.8% and 4.3% of all the 280 traffic –related deaths in 2016 are correlated to alcohol and drug respectively. The annual trend within the last decade also shows a declining trend of drunk driving and an increasing trend of driving under illness. Further research on driving under various illicit drugs (substance abuse including new psychoactive substances, prescription drug, etc.) and driving under illness will be explored in consequent studies. The study demonstrated that despite the steady decline of drunk driving, DUI of drug and illness still represent the major causes of traffic accidents. The result can be referenced for the establishment of traffic accident prevention strategies.

 Key Words:Traffic accident, Substance Abuse, Driving under illness, Driving under influence, Patterned Injury



Quantitative Analysis of Traffic-Related Injury Patterns in Established Database of Medico-legal Fatalities (2/4) - A Study of Risk Factors of Pedestrians and Custom Vehicles-related Fatalities by using Epidemiological Analysis of Injury Patterns and Cause of Death.



Traffic accidents is one of the most common pattern of death, and patterned injuries has distinct pattern that plays a crucial role in traffic-related death investigation. There is a growing concern about driving under illness or medically related condition and urgent attention to elucidate the cause of the accident depend on patterned injuries. In addition to the legislation of driving under influence of drug or medicine, it still lacks objective quantitative criteria.

In order to clarify the driving impact factors of traffic accidents, guarantee the judicial rights, strengthen quantitative research on forensic evidences, the goal of this study is to develop a database framework of traffic-related deaths, to establish the traffic-related death reporting system for the prosecutors’ offices across the country, to conduct epidemiological analysis of traffic-related deaths and to determine the impact factors of DUI such as alcohol, illicit drugs, prescription drugs and illness. Furthermore, we can conclude the correlation between kinetic energy and patterned injury, and establish an imitation of traffic accident animation.

In 2018, the total 766 (12.2%) traffic accident’s forensic fatalities out of 31713 forensic autopsy fatalities from the Institute of Forensic Medicine conducted during 2003-2014, Ministry of Justice (Taiwan) were collected. Epidemiological study from 1999 to 2016 indicates that 20.3% and 6.1% of all the 716 pedestrian traffic-related deaths are correlated to alcohol and drug respectively. The annual trend within the last decade also shows a declining trend of drunk driving and an increasing trend of driving under illness.

Further research on driving under various illicit drugs (substance abuse including new psychoactive substances, prescription drug, etc.) These results demonstrate that 41.3% of pedestrian fatalities are related to hypnotics, indicating the unignorable risk of walking under the influence of illness, therapeutic medicine and intoxication, and legislation of Pedestrian Under the Influence law (PUI Law) should be considered.

The study demonstrated that despite the steady decline of drunk driving, DUI of drug and illness still represent the major causes of traffic accidents. The result can be referenced for the establishment of traffic accident prevention strategies.

 Key Words:Traffic accident, Walking Under Influence, Walking Under Illness, Substance Abuse, Pedestrian Under the Influence Law (PUI Law), Patterned Injury

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